Saturday, October 27, 2007

A New Way to Surf

And by surfing, I mean the web. My boyfriend and I talk a lot on the internet and almost every time I call him using Skype or MSN Voice, he's surfing the net. Now, back when the internet was young and people were just starting to use it, surfing the net meant going to different websites and exploring by branching.

Well, now there is a number of ways to do this that, I would say, are better.

Websites have been linking to each other for a long time, but usually which websites were linked to and how they were situated depended on the website owner. Now, we have sites where the user decides.

Digg, Reddit and Stumbleupon are sites where users join the community. They make websites or visit websites and say what they think about it. Then, their thoughts, usually in the form of voting whether is was cool or not cool, is posted online.

I think this is pretty awesome. I like getting link after link of cool pictures or weird news from Digg from my boyfriend. And its easier to tell when you will like something because it'll have more votes. This was bound to be developed eventually, I think. This society is getting to become more and more about choice. Fast food now lets you choose different sides and how you want things made. There are tons of questions I had to ask as a cashier when ringing up people's orders.

Well, if you get the chance tonight, go check out these sites. They are very addictive and quite fun.

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